21160 Box Springs Road, Suite 102
Moreno Valley, CA 92557
(951) 684-6732
"The Voice for Farmers and Ranchers"

About Us

"The mission of the Riverside County Farm Bureau is to promote and represent agriculture in Riverside County."

The Riverside County Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary membership organization, which represents the interests of agriculture in Riverside County.

The Riverside County Farm Bureau strives to meet the needs of its thousands of dues paying members by working with elected officials, government agencies, educators, the public, and the media. A membership in the Farm Bureau reaches well beyond the the boundaries of the county. At the state level, the California Farm Bureau Federation represents the interests of Farm Bureau members, while the American Farm Bureau Federation covers the national scene. In California, there are 53 county Farm Bureaus representing over 97,000 members. Nationally, Farm Bureau membership exceeds 5,000,000.

The work of the Farm Bureau extends into the political arena, besides providing social and educational opportunities for its members. If you are not already a member, your support is needed to help guarantee that this work will continue. We can only be effective if there is a strong and growing membership behind us.


Why become a member of the Farm Bureau?
  • Exclusive Local and State Member Benefits
  • To help fund programs that educate the public concerning the benefits that agriculture brings to Riverside County.
  • To fund projects and staffing to continue the work of preserving the economic viability of agriculture in Riverside County.
  • To continue local activities regarding local land use, water, and private property rights issues, in addition to state and federal legislative issues.

The work of the Farm Bureau can only be effective if there is a strong and growing membership to back its efforts. This is why, if you are not currently a member, we are extending you this opportunity to join the largest voluntary, membership organization in Riverside County. Help us to continue to protect the interests of agriculture and rural Riverside County.

What does a Farm Bureau membership cost?

  • An Agricultural Producer can become a Agricultural member for $300 per year.
  • A Non-Agricultural Producer can become a Associate member for $85 per year.
  • A college student can become a Collegiate member for $25 per year.

  • A Commercial Agricultural-related Business can become a Business Support Agricultural member for $330 per year.
  • A Commercial Non-Agricultural-related Business can become a Business Support Associate member for $330 per year.

How does a Farm Bureau membership pay?

  • Exclusive Farm Bureau benefits on everything from vehicles to eye glasses to vacations.
  • Preferred rates on insurance as part of the Farm Bureau group.
  • Publications from the local and state Farm Bureaus let you know about current legislative changes and issues affecting our agricultural community.

For additional information or to receive an application, contact the Riverside County Farm Bureau at (951) 684-6732, or email us at President@RiversideCFB.com.

Members are involved in the process of government through organized action.

Farm Bureau volunteer leaders and staff work within the formal guidelines of published policies. Changes to policies are adopted each year by a House of Delegates. Local policies are established by the Riverside County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.

Members rank legislative activities among the most important of Farm Bureau’s services.

Policy decisions are made by County Farm Bureau directors and state delegates and by California Farm Bureau district directors, all of whom are bona fide farmers.

Policy Development
Farm Bureau employs an internal structure of Commodity, Policy, Advisory and Special Issue Committees to identify, analyze and respond to issues. These committees develop and review proposed changes to Farm Bureau published policies.


The California Farm Bureau Federation Political Action Committee accepts donations and makes contributions to political campaigns of candidates who support agriculture.

Riverside County Farm Bureau is a member of the Grassroots ESA Reform Coalition, Southern California Water Committee, and Property Owners Working for Environmental Responsibility.

Endangered Species issues
Farm Bureau seeks to protect private property rights while also protecting the environment. Since establishing a Natural Resources Program in 1992, Riverside County Farm Bureau has earned a reputation as an advocate for common-sense changes to the Endangered Species Act and related laws and regulations.